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Updated Date: 3rd, Mar 2024

How to Choose a Residual Current Circuit Breaker

A Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) is a device designed to quickly disconnect the power supply when it detects a leakage current. This prevents electric shocks and fires. 

It is an indispensable component in any modern electrical system, especially in homes, offices, and industrial setups. If you need one for your project, how do you choose the best one?

Decide on an RCCB Type

RCCB breakers come in various types, primarily classified into two categories: Type AC and Type A. 

Type AC is suitable for standard applications. It protects against sinusoidal alternating currents. Type A is more versatile; it safeguards against both sinusoidal and pulsating direct currents

When choosing an RCCB, it is essential to evaluate the specific requirements of your electrical system to determine the most suitable type.

Look Into the RCCB’s Sensitivity and Tripping Current

One of the critical parameters to consider when choosing an RCCB is its sensitivity. What should be the minimum fault current that will cause the device to trip?

Standard sensitivities include 30mA and 100mA, with 30mA being the most common for residential applications. For environments with higher risks, such as industrial settings, a lower sensitivity may be preferable. 

It’s vital to assess the nature of the electrical loads and potential risks to select the appropriate sensitivity level.

Selective Coordination

Another factor to consider is the RCCB’s selective coordination. Selective coordination is the ability of a downstream circuit protection device to trip before an upstream device.

When integrating RCCBs into a larger electrical system, it’s crucial to ensure selective coordination with other protective devices like circuit breakers and fuses. This minimizes downtime and enhances the overall reliability of the system.

RCCB Rating (Voltage)

RCCBs come with different voltage ratings, typically ranging from 230V to 415V. Choose an RCCB with a voltage rating compatible with your electrical system. 

Take note of the nominal voltage of the installation to prevent malfunctions and ensure the RCCB’s optimal performance under varying conditions.

Resilience to Environmental Factors

Some RCCBs are designed to withstand harsh conditions—moisture, dust, temperature variations, etc. When selecting an RCCB, assess the environmental factors in your installation area and choose a model that can endure these conditions without compromising its functionality.

Compliance with Standards

To guarantee the safety of an RCCB, it must comply with relevant safety standards and certifications. In many regions, RCCBs must adhere to international standards such as IEC 61008 or IEC 62423. 

Check for these certifications to make sure the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets the necessary safety requirements.

Affordable Yet Quality RCCB Breakers


Choosing the right Residual Current Circuit Breaker is a critical step in ensuring the safety and efficiency of your electrical system. 

If you’re looking for affordable yet high-quality RCCBs, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our RCCBs and other products.

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